An introduction

Greetings, mortal.

I've been meaning to make my own website for quite a while. You may visit my "About" page to learn more about me. For now, I shall only tell you the reason behind the making of rotting-paradise.

I have a few interests and I love the idea of keeping them all in a place and being able to talk about them however I like. I just wanted a place where I'd be able to express myself freely. Plus, I hate social media and their evil algorithms. That's why I won't even be linking my other social media on here (except for Spacehey).

Although I appreciate every curious eye that'll enjoy scrolling through my virtual mind palace, I created this mainly for my own selfish purposes. I feel a burning urge to keep track of everything I enjoy and every thought I have on my mind.

Nothing to see
Nothing to see here
Nothing to see here
The Art of Fugues