Rotting Paradise

Welcome to my little corner of the Ether... Free from the bounderies of our cruel society. Trapped inside my cruel Mind Palace. My dreamlike visions and hallucinations, you may wander as much as you'd like. Every bit and line of code contains a piece of my own flesh (aren't guts and wires altogether the same thing? ). And my flesh is but the media I consume. Enjoy; my collection of interests and thoughts and materials which appeals to my eye and brains. Be Free! But BEWARE. The being behind this site is an adult, and a very disturbed one. Minors are not welcome here. And if you're scared to stumble across disturbing content, you might as well leave now. You've Been Warned...

`` Death is terrible for anyone. Young or old, good or evil, it's all the same. Death is impartial. There is no especially terrible death. That's why death is so fearsome. Your deeds, your age, your personality, your wealth, your beauty... They are all meaningless in the face of death. ``

On repeat...